Saturday, May 21, 2011


Need to finish with Mirror Lake.  GREAT hike for sure....oh that it did not pass by so soon!  Guess I need alot more time there!Anyway, when you are hiking up here, you encounter this sign about the Ahwiyah Point Rock fall of 3/09
Reading this sign is a bit of an eye opener for me.  My son and I had to have done the LOOP trail, as I do remember being on the other side of the lake taking pictures....odd.  Anyway, signs warned you NOT to go beyond the closed area,  But well, it was NOT gated and locked, so thought, I will go a bit and see more!
Through the trees, it was white like snow!  and WOW, quite a landslide for sure.  WHY they have not worked on this trail to clear it, I don't know. Could be another "let it go natural" thing.
This is a better view.  Didn't linger long, spotted others here....but didn't want to venture futher, since they really did not want us here....for safety reasons I am sure.
The trail back from here, is still a nice trail ...
As I hiked back caught a few more pictures from this beautiful area.  Water flowed down the cliffs in alot of places , especially now with all the snow and rain.

Looking at the DOME way above the lake.  Filling in with day will be another medow I am sure, until the river cleans it all out.

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